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Writer's picturePheonix


Updated: Sep 23, 2022

DE-WO stands for Decentralized World, and yes i just coined it, Copyright 2022. Everything is decentralized or decentralizing on this rock we call earth. DE-WO has pros and cons like anything else but I'm here to point out the things that have lost value and quality because of DE-WO.



Yes I'm a man so I'm going to start with nature. PORN used to have gatekeepers. Some of those gatekeepers were men and some of those gatekeepers were women. Regardless of the genders, those gatekeepers would select women and men that were not just attractive for the specific genre of entertainment, but those that were choosing a career by throwing their lives away performing pornography in a room of 30 strangers under the lights. I mean You gotta give it to those 90's pornstars they were committed. It took guts and gumption to fill out the application, sign away your likeness with waivers and literally risk your life having unprotected sex with someone that just had sex yesterday with another stranger. All this just 5 to 10 years after the quake of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Hell Magic Johnson was diagnosed in 1991. Never the less they did the job, We knew the names, and as a young man we had our favorites.

Fast forward to the 2020s with decentralized PORNOGRAPHY (DE-PO). Anyone, AND I DO MEAN ANYONE, with a phone camera that just happens to have all their clothes in the washing machine because its laundry day, can casually and simply turn that camera on and walk around naked displaying all their goodies and bits to the entire world with the push of a button. They don't have to be special, they don't have to be attractive, they don't even have to be totally naked. The Internet is flooded with young girls that are scantily clad in her room alone sitting on the floor chewing bubble gum broadcasting live soliciting to every idiot with a quarter in his pocket.

Let's be honest PORN has always been SMUT, but apparently even smut needs quality assurance.


There was a time when a person needed to know your phone number to speak to you personally. At the very least they needed to know someone that knew you personally to gain access, allowing themselves to hear your voice and giving availability for you to hear theirs’s. Even in the late 90s with beepers, two-way pagers, and e-mail addresses, an individual would need specific information to communicate with you. Perhaps because of this our social groups and social circles were smaller which allowed us to garner relationships closer to heart and left us with time and availability to meet, and if meeting wasn’t convenient, talk over the phone. Kind of like your own private club.

Well, welcome to social media, social media acts as a form of Digital nightclub (no liquor license needed) that allows anyone in whether they are intoxicated (with power, jealousy, or privilege), enraged, psychologically unhinged, emotionally disturbed, or underage.

Can you imagine a real night club bar on the corner of your street with all these different facets in the same place at the same time?

It would be absolute chaos.

Mothers would be outside with picket signs, fathers would be riding around the block with shotguns, and grandmothers would be writing their local congressman. All with the same intent to shut that place down. To at least provide a form of basic requirements to gain entry, allowing others in the neighborhood to feel more safe and secure.

Now add the fact that every single one of these people in this digitally night club can just inbox you, your wife, your husband, and children at their own will and send you a private message. Perhaps reach out to your friend/family which they can clearly see you are connected to on social media, or just comment on how ugly your baby looks after a bath.

The sub-effect of this cause has resulted in overly sensitive children and adults with a completely lost sense of perspective. The kind of people that cry for help when someone calls them fat online labeling that person a bully yet will send a box full of 300 stinging bees by FedEx delivery to the front door of any individual that claims that Beyoncé’s last album was anything less than a classic. Then label their behavior while under oath in court at their arraignment as “simply being a fan of her work”.

News :

Staying within the theme of this subject at hand, the news used to be controlled. I think we often complained about that control in the past, how that control was in the wrong hands or was only in the hands of a small group of people. The television stations, new stations and radio stations were all owned by a small group of people that all looked alike and all thought alike. And some of us thought that was a nightmare. In comes the terrible 2020s. Well now that information is not in the hands of a small group of people that all look alike and think alike, but now that information or rather the ability to broadcast is in everyone on the planet's hands including four year old kids doing the Dougie. Society at large has turned into a league of pretenders, posers and de facto celebrities. We think because we can stream our thoughts and behavior to anyone that's online that it makes us special.

We give out opinions, personal beliefs, and distorted perspectives as if they are facts that have been checked and double checked for a professional news publication. We conspire, plan and strategize to film videos for YouTube, to upload those videos and display them to an array of onlookers all over the world knowing full and well that the information in those videos are biased, false, misleading and have no merit whatsoever. We used to have a world where all the information that you received was in the hands of but a few yet crafted to educate and or sometimes mislead. Now the information that's given out has no leading whatsoever, it is random, fiction mostly and designed to do nothing more than steal our attention.

Business Products and Services:

Only Johnson and Johnson used to be able to sell band-aids.

Now some 10-year-old little girl and her seven-year-old little brother working in a rubber factory in Sumatra. Can work their normal jobs by day, while moonlighting at night packing and shipping band aids all over the world for us to place on our children’s open wounds after falling off a bike.

Never mind that the glue isn't even glue, its dried cat fat. Never mind that the gauze has been contaminated with radiation and enough bacteria to turn that open wound into a hospital emergency.

Let's not even touch on the innumerable number of gurus that can teach you how to do something that they have never done or at the very least have been doing for about three to five years. Never enduring a crash, a recession or competition. Having no license, no tenure, and no real expertise.

A few good years at the right time in the right place and now they can tell you how to start a business, how to keep a man happy (she’s not even married), how to make a woman love you, how to achieve inner peace. The list goes on.

Everyone's driving, so who's fault is it if we crash?

The Presidency :

Come on you don't need me to comment on this one,

you saw "The Apprentice",

let's just move on.

Entertainment :

This has been said over and over again at this point, we used to need to have a talent. And that talent if it was so feverishly crafted would become a skill. A skill that was head and shoulders above the rest. And being above the rest it would likely make you famous, perhaps just a local celebrity or perhaps an international celebrity.

In other words, excellence equals fame. Below is an equation to explain it.

Talent + Hard work x Skill = Excellence

Excellence = Fame

Not in DE-WO!

In A decentralized world fame has been disconnected from excellence.

It is now more similar to the lottery, a random thing chosen by a piece of machinery that looks like a bubble, and just by chance, pure chance. You could be famous.

Do you have a peculiar practice of flatulence?

You could go viral.

Do you have a dog that grew up with weird eyes?

You could go viral.

Is your left breast longer than your right breast by inches?

You could go viral.

Do you have no talent and are you willing to date someone that is already famous and equally untalented?

You are probably already viral.

Somebody stop this car before I jump out of the window.

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